Unplug and Sink In

I was given a rare gift today. I gift that I treasure more than I knew I would.

Today I have 24 hours to myself. No baby. No Hubby. No Dog.

And I love these three more than I love anything, and love spending time with them. but I am also loving this quite I am experiencing. I love asking myself, what do I want to do? I love being able to think.

The husband took the baby and dog camping, and I have to work. so I get a little me time.

And work is a welcomed change that adds energy to my life. I get to create the school year I want. I get to connect with awesome teenagers. I get to have an impact.

At first I was like, what do I do? I have a to do list that could compete with Santa's good/bad list. I constantly complain that I have no time, that I am too busy. That need to get things done.

And I do need to get some things done. And tonight I am choosing not to. I am choosing to recharge. To sink in.  To sink into me. I NEED this. I NEED to reconnect with me. Give me a little of my love, attention and energy. THIS is how I want to end my summer.

So I choose to not do any house work this evening. I didn't cook. and I am not on my phone. I am not writing lesson plans, sequencing or anything else. I am doing nothing. I am relaxing.

I taught yoga, heated up leftovers, read my booked, took a bath and now I am writing this.

There was a time that this was my norm, that me time was a norm. and I seem to have lost it. Or rather...it has changed.

I while ago I started a blog that was going to talk about seconds of selfcare. About how selfcare was now limited to small moments. 5 minuets here of a drinking coffee, a 1/2 hour of yoga during nap time, 10 minuets of a shower, and if I was really lucky a hour long yoga class. And I do recharge in those few moments, but what an amazing gift to be able to spend an evening to myself.

So I thank my little toddler baby boy for keeping my life full. For keeping me forever on my toes. For choosing me to be his mama. For calling out for me at 4 am. For opening my heart. For giving me an opportunity to practice patience. For laughing and for giving me raspberries on my tummy in the morning.

And I thank my husband for working too many hours. For being over critical. For taking care of him self by going camping. For always greeting me with a hug and a kiss. And for his never ending support and love.

And I even thank the dog for being overly needy. For running off every time I open the door. For chewing my shoes. and for loving me despite I have no patience for him.  

If I did not have my family, I would have never known this joy of quiet. I would have never been able to appreciate this gift, if I wasn't usually stressed and overwhelmed, I would not have found peace and Joy tonight. Instead I would be on facebook and disconnecting from my day, from myself.

Without out this time, I wouldn't have known that occasionally, I need time off. Time off from being a mom, time off from being a wife and simply time to be.  


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