
Showing posts from September, 2017

Equinox in equilibrium

I just got out of a yoga class and the words that describe my experience and sensation was equilibrium, that I felt balanced in the body, heart, and mind. And I thought how rare it is that I actually feel this present.  We are constantly searching for equilibrium. Such as, I didn't sleep well the night before so I ate a whole bar of chocolate (by 9 am) or maybe I didn't sleep well so I drank a whole pot of coffee. Or maybe those emotions are hard too feel, so I won't feel anything. We are consistently looking to feel okay. In our society it feels like we avoid the darkness, that we rather not dabble in it, that we rather spend all of our time in the light. Or at least we would love our Facebook and Instagram to look like we are light. But we need both the darkness and light to feel balanced.  And the best part about being willing to stumble in the darkness is that not only do we get to go inside and know ourselves better, but we get to trust ourselv