
Showing posts from March, 2015

Part 2: The Birth - Grace, Love and Surrender

My Birth Story – Grace, Love and Surrender The Graceful and Not so Graceful moments of a Home-birth My Birth is a story of Community. Of Healing. Contractions started around noon on Thursday I was immersed in Gratitude as I wrote thank you notes. I was so excited…Here we go…I finally get to see his beautiful face!!! 5:30 pm With a cough, I felt trickle and my water had broken. The contractions got stronger and I could not sleep. I tried laying this way and that, but they were about 5-10 min apart and took all of my focus to get through. I found refuge in water, I laid in the tub for hours, and slowly my labored slowed to a halt. My husband tried to sleep off and on because I knew I would need him later  Through the tub held a great, sacred space, and despite me and tub trying our hardest, I was not able to progress. I needed more support and sleep. By 9:00am Friday morning (Good Friday) my labor had completely stopped. My midwife said with rest labor

Birth Story Part 1: Gathering the Tribe

It takes a Tribe.... To raise a mama I had the home-birth I wanted, and this is because the support that surrounded me. The hard work that was done. My birth story begins way before I ever had a contractions. Before I could even feel my baby move. My birth team had many people....   a community . It started with the breath.      A daily practice.   Mediation and yoga.                                  This was my Rock throughout pregnancy and prepared my mind and body. I taught yoga, so that I could focus on my something beyond how sick and tired I felt. This saved me (from self pity). When I finally had energy, I started to attend   prenatal yoga . These women became the first members of my birth team. The keep ups, let me know that I needed to move and breathe. That music would allow me to sink in.  My teacher had so much compassion and love, and she became so much more than a teacher. She became a friend. Her hugs are healing. My Mid-wife .